Spinel lherzolite xenoliths were found in phonolitic alkaline basalt in the Keluo area, Heilongjiang Province. Detailed electron-microprobe study revealed abundant phosphates and associated metasomatic minerals between primary phases in xenolith. The phosphates are considered special residual phases (coagulation) of P- and F-rich mantle melt/fluid, most of which were identified as glass phases based on Raman spectroscopic analyses. Such melt/fluid also further metasomatized primary minerals, thus leading to formation of reaction rims successively composed of Cr-spinel symplectitic zone and olivine + diopside zone. Therefore, the P- and F-rich melt/fluid played an important role in the upper-mantle metasomatism in the Keluo area. It is suggested that this kind of metasomstism may occur in some other places of eastern China. The present results may also have significance in study-ing types of metasomatic melt/fluid and its evolution in the lithospheric mantle beneath eastern China.
Abundant apatite grains with elevated SrO content were found in leucitite-ijolite xenoliths in the Dangzi Mountain,Heilongjiang Province.Morphological and mineralogical associations,and compositional analysis of the Sr-rich apatite,were carried out using an electron microprobe.Two principal types of apatite were distinguished.One type occurs as short-prismatic crystals with Sr-rich rims,while another type with acicular or finely columnar shapes constitutes Sr-rich apatite element maps and systematic quantitative analysis of apatite revealed great variations in SrO content (0.42%-26.79%).The calculated structural formula of the measured Sr-rich apatite is:(Ca3.15-4.963Sr0.019-1.510Ba0.00-0.030Na0.006-0.108REE0.106-0.153) (P2.84-3.028Si0.009-0.094)O12(F0.675-1.079,Cl0.000-0.256,OH0.084-0.297).Mineralogical textures of apatite implied a replacement mechanism for the Sr-rich apatite.Sr-rich rims of apatite are suggested to have formed after metasomatism (isomorphic replacement) of early fluorapatite in a Sr-,light rare-earth elements (LREE),lithophile light elements (LILE)-and volatile-rich residual melt during late magmatism.However,the acicular apatite probably directly crystallized from a Sr-rich residual melt.The Sr-Nd isotopic composition of the apatite was distinctive from that of leucitite-ijolite and its host rock.These differences,combined with mineralogical features of apatite,imply that Sr-LREE-LILE-volatile-rich components in the residual melt were derived from deep in the asthenosphere,and subsequently were enriched at a late stage in magma evolution.