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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
蛙跳(leapfrog)时间差分格式采用Asselin-Robert时间滤波方案去除计算解能够降低原始方程组的时间差分格式的计算精度,采用二阶Adams-Bashforth格式构造的欧拉前差方案可弥补蛙跳格式的不足,即:在不存在计算解的条件下去除滤波的影响,更大程度的保持方程组的计算准确性。本文基于NCAR CAM3.0(Community Atmosphere Model 3.0)完善的软件平台,将原模式的三时间层蛙跳时间差分方案修改为两时间层二阶Adams-Bashforth时间差分格式,对与重力波有关项使用中央差隐式处理,以此构建半隐式大气环流谱模式。利用动力检验的方法探讨模式对垂直分辨率的敏感性,从而寻找模式在较小计算代价下提高计算效果的可能。通过斜压波实验发现,提高垂直分辨率使模式具有更强的斜压波模拟能力,其模拟效果甚至已经与提高水平分辨率的效果相当,可以作为一种弥补模式运算效率不足的可行方案。
利用NCAR CAM3.1模式及NCEP/NCAR(version 1)再分析资料计算了几种现实大气热源分布情况,讨论了亚洲各地区和南半球上空冬季1月大气冷(热)源对东亚冬季风环流系统和印度冬季风环流系统形成的影响。结果表明:(1)冬季1月东亚地区和澳大利亚上空大气冷(热)源与东亚冬季风环流关系密切,南半球澳大利亚附近的非绝热加热可以激发出澳大利亚北部的热低压系统,东亚大陆东部的大气冷源可以使东亚大陆低空出现冷高压,基本上模拟出东亚季风系统冬季主要环流成员;(2)亚洲地区西部及其对应的南半球印度洋非绝热加热与印度冬季风环流关系密切,同样对东亚冬季风也有一定的影响,特别是亚洲大陆西部副热带地区的非绝热加热可以加强冬季南海的越赤道气流并能调整阿留申低压的位置。
Quantitative Assessment of Impacts of Regional Climate and Human Activities on Saline-alkali Land Changes:A Case Study of Qian'an County,Jilin Province被引量:3
Interdecadal and interannual variations of saline-alkali land area in Qian′an County, Jilin Province, China were comprehensively analyzed in this paper by means of satellite remote sensing interpretation, field flux observations and regional climate diagnosis.The results show that on the interannual scale, the impact of climate factors accounts for 71.6% of the total variation of the saline-alkali land area, and that of human activities accounts for 28.4%.Therefore the impact of climate factors is obviously greater than that of human activities.On the interdecadal scale, the impact of climate factors on the increase of the saline-alkali land area accounts for 43.2%, and that of human activities accounts for 56.8%.The impact of human activities on the variation of saline-alkali land area is very clear on the interdecadal scale, and the negative impact of human activities on the environment should not be negligible.Besides, changes in the area of heavy saline-alkali land have some indication for development of saline-alkali land in Qian′an County.
LIAN Yi WANG Jie TU Gang REN Hongling SHEN Baizhu ZHI Keguang LI Shangfeng GAO Zongting
利用NCEP/NCAR和ECMWF再分析资料,计算北半球500 hPa、200 hPa等压面北半球及4个区域的月极涡面积和强度指数,确定了200 hPa极涡特征值,通过相关、EOF分解等对对流中、上层—平流层等压面的极涡进行了初步分析。结果表明:(1)NCEP/NCAR、ECWMF再分析资料与国家气候中心的极涡面积、强度指数具有显著的相关性(显著性水平α≥0.001);(2)北半球4个分区与北半球的极涡系列指数间,均具有显著正相关性;(3)依据热成风关系,选取200 hPa极涡特征值所计算的极涡面积、强度指数和500 hPa相关非常显著(显著性水平α≥0.001);(4)EOF分析表明,在冬季,北半球对流层以极涡为核心与中高纬度地区呈反位相向涛动形势的主要正压模态,随高度的变化至平流层收缩为仅有的极涡活动模态(方差贡献71%),夏季极涡则为相对浅薄系统。
A Study on Water Vapor Transport and Budget of Heavy Rain in Northeast China被引量:7
The characteristics of moisture transport and budget of widespread heavy rain and local heavy rain events in Northeast China are studied using the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis 6-hourly and daily data and daily precipitation data of 200 stations in Northeast China from 1961-2005. The results demonstrate that during periods with widespread heavy rain in Northeast China, the Asian monsoon is very active and the monsoonal northward moisture transport is strengthened significantly. The widespread heavy rainfall obtains enhanced water vapor supply from large regions where the water vapor mainly originates from the Asian monsoon areas, which include the East Asian subtropical monsoon area, the South China Sea, and the southeast and southwest tropical monsoon regions. There are several branches of monsoonal moisture current converging on East China and its coastal areas, where they are strengthened and then continue northward into Northeast China. Thus, the enhanced northward monsoonal moisture transport is the key to the widespread heavy rain in Northeast China. In contrast, local heavy rainfall in Northeast China derives water vapor from limited areas, transported by the westerlies. Local evaporation also plays an important role in the water vapor supply and local recycling process of moisture. In short, the widespread heavy rains of Northeast China are mainly caused by water vapor advection brought by the Asian monsoon, whereas local heavy rainfall is mainly caused by the convergence of the westerly wind field.
The 2009 Summer Low Temperature in Northeast China and Its Association with Prophase Changes of the Air-Sea System被引量:2
Under the background of global warming, summer (JJA) low temperature events in Northeast China had not occurred for about 15 yr since 1994, but one such event took place in 2009. By using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the 100-yr station temperature data at Harbin and Changchun, and the Hadley Center sea surface temperature (SST) data, this paper intends to reveal the cause, circulation background, and influencing factors of this event. Analysis of both horizontal and vertical circulations of a low-value system over Northeast China in summer 2009 during the low temperature event shows that anomalous activities of the Northeast China cold vortex (NECV) played the most direct role. A decadal cooling trend of - 0.8℃ (10 yr)-1 over 1999-2008 at Changchun and Harbin was found, which is obviously out-of-phase with the linear warming trend (0.2℃ (10 yr)-1) over 1961-2000 for Northeast China in response to the global warming. The previous winter North Pacific polar vortex (NPPV) area index, significantly positively related to the observed summer temperatures of Harbin and Changchun, was also in a significantly declining tendency. These provide favorable decadal backgrounds for the 2009 low temperature event. Different from the average anomaly field of 500-hPa height for summer 1994-2008 in Northeast China, in the summer of 2009, the Arctic Oscillation (AO) showed a strong negative phase distribution, and significant negative height anomalies dominated Northeast Asia, Aleutian Islands, and North Atlantic. Furthermore, the negative phase of North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) in the winter of 2008 was obviously strong, and it maintained in the spring of 2009. Meanwhile, the SSTA in the equatorial eastern-central Pacific Ocean in the winter of 2008 showed a La Nina phase, but the strength of the La Nina weakened obviously in the spring of 2009. The abnormally strong activities of NECV in June and July of 2009 were related to the disturbances of stationary waves that replaced the original
Circulation anomalies associated with interannual variation of early- and late-summer precipitation in Northeast China被引量:27
Summer rainfall is vital for crops in Northeast China. In this study, we investigated large-scale circulation anomalies related to monthly summer rainfall in Northeast China using European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast ERA-40 reanalysis data and monthly rainfall data from 79 stations in Northeast China. The results show that the interannual variation in rainfall over Northeast China is mainly dominated by a cold vortex in early summer (May-June) and by the East Asian summer monsoon in late summer (July-August). In early summer, corresponding to increased rainfall in Northeast China, an anomalous cyclonic anomaly tilted westward with height appears to the northwest and cold vortices occur frequently. In late summer, the rainfall anomaly is mainly controlled by a northward shift of the local East Asian jet stream in the upper troposphere and the northwest extension of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) in the lower troposphere. The enhanced southwesterly anomaly in the west of the WPSH transports more moisture into Northeast China and results in more rainfall. In addition, compared with that in July, the rainfall in Northeast China in August is also influenced by a mid- and high-latitude blocking high over Northeast Asia.
东北地区夏季温度变化主要有4个独立模态,其中EOF1呈全区一致型为第一模态,占总方差贡献的72%左右,其时间系数呈现多年代际尺度变化;其他3个模态仅分别占总方差贡献的10%、4%和3%,表现出受海洋、地形及纬度差异的影响,呈南北向、东西向和山脉与平原地区的反向异常分布型;突变和小波分析进一步揭示EOF1模态的多年代际尺度变化具有突变性质,2007~2010年受20 a左右周期影响,东北地区温度变化全区一致的模态时间系数处于负值为主的阶段,值得关注。东北地区夏季温度变EOF1模态与北半球500 hPa高度场和对流层中上层纬向风场(西风急流)在30oN^40oN呈环球尺度带状显著正相关分布,在东北亚地区纬度较高,可达60oN附近,而且该区500 hPa高度场与东北夏季温度EOF1模态多年代际变化近于同步。EOF1模态与靠近亚洲大陆沿岸和西太平洋暖池(包括印度洋的中部和北部)、南太平洋环澳大利亚、靠近北美大陆及北大西洋北部的漂流区和北赤道漂流区的海表温度存在显著的同步正相关,而与太平洋海表温度的年代际振荡模态亦有较显著的正相关;表明东北地区夏季温度的EOF1模态与北半球海-气系统多年代际变化联系密切,同时也受到全球变暖的影响。