- 作品数:2 被引量:0H指数:0
- 相关作者:赵千川申颖更多>>
- 相关机构:清华大学更多>>
- 发文基金:国家自然科学基金更多>>
- 相关领域:理学自动化与计算机技术更多>>
- Event-based Evacuation in Outdoor Environment
- Evacuation in outdoor environment is of great practical interest due to its significant impact on saving human...
- JIA Qing-Shan, GUO Ying CFINS, Department of Automation, TNLIST, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China
- 文献传递
- Review of Wind Power Forecasting Methods:From Multi-spatial and temporal Perspective
- Wind power is one of the most popular renewables and occupies a great proportion in the total capacity of the ...
- Zhaoyu JiangQing-Shan JiaXiaohong Guan
- 关键词:REVIEW
- 文献传递
- Event-Based Optimization with Lagged State Information
- <正>Event-based optimization(EBO) has provided a general framework for many control,decision-making,and optimiz...
- JIA Qing-Shan CFINS
- 文献传递
- A Review of Occupant Behavior Models in Residential Building:Sensing,Modeling,and Prediction
- Occupant behavior is an important factor in building simulations.Occupants influence the energy usage of build...
- Chao ZhangQing-Shan Jia
- On State Aggregation in a Class of Cyber Physical Energy Systems
- Various cyber physical energy systems(CPES) are discrete event dynamic systems(DEDS), in which the states are ...
- Junjie Wu; Qing-Shan Jia;
- 文献传递
- 不确定环境下的电力系统拓扑控制问题(英文)
- 2012年
- 在环境保护的压力下,新能源和电动汽车越来越多地被引入电网,这就增加了电力系统的不确定因素.为此,首先讨论不确定环境下电力系统安全防御中的一些拓扑控制问题,然后给出这些问题的图论描述以及研究中面临的挑战和进展.
- 赵千川申颖
- 关键词:智能电网
- 具有少量基本回路布尔网络的不动点(英文)
- 2014年
- 近来作为自然和人造非线性动态网络的一种紧凑模型,布尔网络的研究受到广泛关注.不动点和吸引子是预测布尔网络长期行为的关键.本文针对具有少量基本回路的布尔网络,提出了确定不动点的算法.我们的方法是基于构成反馈顶点集的变量所满足的一组方程.作为应用,我们还给出了检验这类布尔网络全局稳定性的充要条件.
- 赵千川
- 关键词:不动点
- Occupancy Measurement by Object Tracking at Building Entrances
- Building occupancy measurement is becoming an increasingly important topic in the energy saving area.This pape...
- Jianhong ZouQianchuan ZhaoRui Cong
- 文献传递
- On topology control of power systems with uncertainties
- <正>Environment protection calls for the more and more introduction of new energy sources and e-vehicles in our...
- Qianchuan Zhao~1
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