In this paper, an explicitly analytical shock mapping relation is approximately deduced based on the theoretical modeling of the chemical nonequilibrium stagnation flow towards a slightly blunted nose. Based on the relation, the complex reacting stagnation flow problem can be discussed under the framework of the simplest normal shockwave flow. Therefore, a quantita- tively meaningful criterion for dissociation nonequilibrium flow, that is a specific Damk hler number Da d , is naturally intro- duced as the ratio of the mapping length of the stagnation streamline and the characteristic nonequilibrium scale. Da d is found to be dependent on the flow's rarefaction criterion W r , that is a specific Knudsen number. Then, based on Da d , a normalized analytical formulation is obtained to quantitatively predict the actual degrees of dissociation at the outer edge of the stagnation point boundary layer (SPBL). At last, the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is employed to validate the analytical results, and the related flow mechanism is discussed. The present study not only shows nonequilibrium features of the flow problem, but also provides an indispensable basis for the following study on the nonequilibrium SPBL heat transfer.
To efficiently compute arbitrary propellant grain evolution of the burning surface with uniform and non-uniform burning rate for solid rocket motor,a unified framework of burning surface regression simulation has been developed based on minimum distance function.In order to speed up the computation of the mini-mum distance between grid nodes of grain and the triangular mesh of burning surface,a fast distance querying method based on the equal size cube voxel structure was employed.An improved marching tetrahedron method based on piecewise linear approximation was carried out on second-order tetrahedral elements,achieved high-efficiency and adequate accuracy of burning surface extraction simultaneously.The cases of star grain,finocyl grain,and non-uniform tube grain were studied to verify the proposed method.The observed result indicates that the grain burnback computation method could realize the accurate simulation on unstructured tetrahedral mesh with a desirable performance on computational time.
This paper theoretically studies the recombination-dominated nonequilibrium reacting flow inside the stagnation point bound- ary layer (SPBL) and the heat transfer characteristics under rarefied conditions. A general model is intuitively proposed to de- scribe the energy transfer and conversion along the stagnation streamline towards a slightly blunted nose with non-catalytic wall surface. It is found that the atoms recombination effects inside the SPBL could be equivalent to a modification on the de- gree of dissociation in the external flow. As a result, a recombination nonequilibrium criterion Dar, that is a specific DamktSh- let number, is introduced to characterize the nonequilibrium degree of the reacting flow in the SPBL, and then, based on the general model and Dar, a bridging function indicating the nonequilibrium chemical effects on the SPBL heat transfer is estab- lished. By using the explicitly analytical bridging function, the flow and heat transfer mechanisms, including the real gas flow similarity law and the nonequilibrium flow regimes classification, are discussed. In addition, the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method has also been employed to systematically validate the analytical results.