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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Natural interdecadal weakening of East Asian summer monsoon in the late 20th century被引量:40
Based on the reanalysis data throughout 1948―2002 as derived from the United States National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmos-pheric Research, it is revealed that East Asian summer mon-soon (EASM) intensity weakens on an interdecadal timescale since the mid-1960s, and twice interdecadal jumps are re-corded in the EASM intensity index series in the late 20th century, respectively occurring in the mid-1960s and mid- to late 1970s. Six globally coupled atmosphere-ocean models’ outputs under the SRES A2 greenhouse gas and aerosol emission scenario, provided by the IPCC Data Distribution Center and the Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research, are then systematically examined. It follows that the above EASM weakening is not closely related to synchro-nizing anthropogenic global warming, and, therefore, it should be qualitatively natural change process. Over the 21st century, the EASM intensity is likely increased slightly by continually intensified greenhouse effect relative to the late 20th century.
JIANG DabangWANG Huijun
Relationship and its instability of ENSO--Chinese variations in droughts and wet spells被引量:25
Monthly data of Self-Calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) from 1951 to 2000 are calculated using historical precipitation and temperature data for Chinese 160 stations. Temporal and spatial pat-terns of the first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of the PDSI reveals a fairly linear trend resulting from trends in precipitation and surface temperature, which is similar to the linear PDSI trend during 1951―2000 calculated using all monthly data. The EOF analysis also reveals that the leading mode correlates significantly with ENSO events in time and space. The ENSO EOF shows that during the typical warm phase of ENSO, surface conditions are drier in most regions of China, especially North China, but wetter than normal in the southern regions of Changjiang River, and Northwest China. During the typical cold phase of ENSO, these anomalies reverse sign. From 1951 to 2000, there are large multi-year to decadal variations in droughts and wet spells over China, which are all closely related to strong El Nio events. In other words, when one strong El Nio event happens, there is a possible big variability in droughts and wet spells over China on the multi-year or decadal scale. Studies also sug-gest that during the last 2―3 decades climate changes over China, especially North China's drying and northwest China's wetting, are closely related to the shift in ENSO towards warmer events and global warming since the late 1970s. The instability of the relationship is also studied. It is revealed that there is a good correlation between ENSO and Chinese variations in droughts and wet spells in the 3―8-year band, but the correlation between ENSO and Chinese variations in droughts and wet spells is instable. Studies suggest that there are decadal changes in the correlation: the wavelet coherency between ENSO and Chinese variations in droughts and wet spells is high during 1951―1962 and 1976―1991, but low during 1963―1975 and 1992―2000.
SU MingFeng1,2 & WANG HuiJun1 1 Nansen-Zhu International Research Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
分析了中国北方沙尘气候的时间变化特征, 重点研究与沙尘气侯的年代际变化相应的冬、春季气候和大气环流异常特征. 文章揭示: 在沙尘活动频繁年代(1956~1970)和稀少年代(1985~1999)冬、春季的气候和大气环流有显著差别. 与前一个年代相比, 在后一个年代里冬季极涡异常加深, 50(N附近的西风增强, 东亚极锋锋区位置偏北, 东亚大槽偏弱; 西伯利亚高压北部及中心强度变弱, 阿留申低压明显升压; 东亚季风强度变弱, 影响中国的冷空气势力减弱, 冬、春季大风天气变少. 同时中国北方广大地区冬季温度显著升高, 西北和内蒙古的沙源地区春季降水明显增多. 研究还发现, 在年际尺度上, 中国北方的沙尘活动频次与前冬的西风指数、北极涛动指数呈显著的负相关, 与冬、春季东亚季风指数呈显著的正相关.
Interannual variability of Antarctic Oscillation and its influence on East Asian climate during boreal winter and spring被引量:36
The interannual variability of Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) and its influence on East Asian climate during both boreal winter and spring are addressed. The results show that the positive AAO anomaly decreases the cold activity over East Asia during both boreal winter and spring. AAO-related barotropic meridional teleconnection from Antarctic to Arctic is found through analysis of mean me- ridional circulations. This meridional teleconnection is remarkable over Eurasia during boreal winter and over the Pacific Ocean during boreal spring. The results also show that zonal mean zonal wind at high latitudes in Southern Hemisphere has well positive correlation with that of Eurasia during boreal winter and has negative correlation with Pacific North American teleconnection (PNA) during boreal spring, which again display the meridional teleconnection. Thus, local meridional teleconnection is a possible linkage for interaction of circulations at mid-high latitudes between both hemispheres.
FAN Ke1,2,3 & WANG Huijun2 1. Nansen-Zhu International Research Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
利用1951-01-2000-10中国160站气温和降水月平均资料,计算了自修正PDSI指数.PDSI指数EOF分析第一模态空间场分布和1951~2000年PDSI指数的变化趋势分布十分相似,第一模态时间系数反映了空间场随时间的演变情况.研究发现,EOF分析所揭示的中国气候干湿变率和ENSO有着很好的关系.这种关系表明,在典型的ENSO暖状态,中国大部分地区都偏干,特别是华北地区更易偏干,长江以南地区和西北容易偏湿,而长江中下游地区处于变干和湿的过渡区,变干或湿不明显.在典型的ENSO冷状态则情况相反.而中国气候干湿变率年际和年代际变化都对应着强El Nino事件;反过来当发生强El Nino事件时,中国气候干湿变率在年际和年代际尺度上有可能发生剧烈变化.最近20—30a中国气候干湿的年代际变化,特别是华北自20世纪70年代末的变干和西北自80年代中期的变湿,与ENSO朝更暖的状态变化及全球变暖有着紧密的联系.1951-2000年中国气候干湿变率和ENSO关系的稳定性分析表明,中国气候干湿变率和ENSO之间在3—8a变化周期上存着很好的相关关系,但这种相关关系不稳定,存在着年代际变化:1951-1962和1976-1991年两个时间段两者相关关系很高,而在1963-1975和1992-2000年两时段内,两者相关关系较差.
文中使用1948~2002年美国国家环境预测中心/大气研究中心的再分析资料, 通过计算呈现了始于20世纪60年代中期的东亚夏季风年代际尺度减弱事实、以及东亚夏季风系统在20世纪60年代中期和70年代中后期发生的两次年代际突变事件. 而后, 基于政府间气候变化专门委员会资料分发中心提供的SRES A2温室气体和气溶胶排放情景下六套全球海气耦合气候模式的数值模拟结果, 从定性的角度上揭示了此次东亚夏季风年代际衰减过程与20世纪后期人类活动引发的全球变暖之间没有明显的联系, 应该为一次自然的气候变化过程. 模式结果还显示, 如果21世纪温室效应在20世纪后期的基础上进一步加剧, 东亚夏季风系统可能会受此影响而趋于增强.
Analysis on the decadal scale variation of the dust storm in North China被引量:14
In this paper, the temporal variation characteristics of the dust storm in North China are investigated. Based on power spectrum analysis and wavelet analysis, 1956-1970 and 1985-1999 are chosen as the high-frequency and low-frequency dust storm decades respectively. Analysis results clearly show that the spring and wintertime anomalous atmospheric circulation between these two dec-ades are significantly different. Compared with the former decade, there are a strengthened polar vortex, enhanced westerlies near 50°N, and a weak East Asian major though in the winter of the latter decade. The north and center parts of the Siberian high and the Aleutian low become weak. The southerly and easterly wind anomalies appear over the north and east parts of China, which implies the weakening of East Asian winter monsoon. Meanwhile, northern China experiences warmer winters and wetter springs, which are in favor of the weakening of dust storm intensity in North China. There are significant out-of-phase relationships between dust frequency and wintertime westerly intensity, as well as between dust frequency and Arctic Oscillation. It is also found that the frequency of dust weather is strongly re-lated to winter-springtime East Asian monsoon intensity.
KANG Dujuan1,2 & WANG Huijun1 1. NZC/LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100871, China