国家自然科学基金(60974011) 作品数:3 被引量:76 H指数:2 相关作者: 邓志红 付梦印 夏元清 任雪梅 王华强 更多>> 相关机构: 北京理工大学 合肥工业大学 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划 国家教育部博士点基金 更多>> 相关领域: 自动化与计算机技术 更多>>
From Networked Control Systems to Cloud Control Systems <正>The concept of cloud control systems is discussed in this paper,which is an extension of networked control ... Yuanqing Xia School of Automation关键词:INTERNET 文献传递 Constrained Model Predictive Control of Networked Systems with Time-Invarying Input Delay <正>The problem of constrained infinite-horizon model predictive control for NCSs is studied in this paper.By u... DAI Li关键词:TIME-DELAY 文献传递 Adaptive Static Output Feedback Controller Design for Stochastic Jump Systems In this paper,the problem of designing the static output feedback controller for a class of stochastic jump sy... LI Li,XIA Yuanqing,FU Mengyin School of Automation,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,P.R.China文献传递 湿法树脂配料系统控制电路设计 被引量:1 2013年 以聚氨酯树脂(PU)配料系统的自动化改造和工程扩建为背景,针对实际配料生产中存在的自动化程度低、可视化内容少等问题,结合配料工艺要求,重新设计电气控制电路,综合运用通讯技术、PLC技术和WinCC技术构成新型湿法树脂配料系统,实现了配料过程的高度自动化、深度可视化.该系统的设计在配料行业具有一定的参考价值. 王华强 王文贤关键词:配料 控制电路 自动化 可视化 Attitude Synchronization of Rigid Spacecraft Using Terminal Sliding Mode The problem of attitude synchronization for a group of rigid spacecraft is investigated in this paper under th... ZHOU Ning Xia Yuanqing Lu KunfengIntroduction to Compound Control <正>In this paper,the concept of compound control is introduced.Sliding Mode Control(SMC) and Active Disturbanc... XIA Yuanqing关键词:STABILITY 文献传递 滑模控制和自抗扰控制的研究进展(英文) 被引量:68 2013年 本文概括了滑模控制和自抗扰控制的研究进展,进一步给出了复合控制的思想.滑模控制和自抗扰控制都有它们各自的优点,但是也都有它们各自的局限,例如:滑模控制中的抖振问题和自抗扰控制中的估计能力受限问题.复合控制结合了滑模控制和自抗扰控制的优点,并能提高闭环系统的性能. 夏元清 付梦印 邓志红 任雪梅关键词:复合控制 滑模控制 自抗扰控制 稳定性 Recent Progress in Networked Control Systems——A Survey 被引量:7 2015年 For the past decades,networked control systems(NCSs),as an interdisciplinary subject,have been one of the main research highlights and many fruitful results from different aspects have been achieved.With these growing research trends,it is significant to consolidate the latest knowledge and information to keep up with the research needs.In this paper,the results of different aspects of NCSs,such as quantization,estimation,fault detection and networked predictive control,are summarized.In addition,with the development of cloud technique,cloud control systems are proposed for the further development of NCSs. Yuan-Qing Xia Yu-Long Gao Li-Ping Yan Meng-Yin Fu关键词:QUANTIZATION Observer-Based Control for Stochastic Jump Systems via Backstepping Method <正>In this paper,an observer-based state feedback control problem is investigated for stochastic jump systems.... LU Kunfeng,XIA Yuanqing,FU Mengyin,DENG Zhihong School of Automation,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,P.R.China文献传递