可用输电能力(available transfer capability,ATC)的大小不仅能够衡量电力系统安全和可靠性,同时在一定程度上能够反映电力市场交易双方获得利润的多少。随着分布式发电(distributed generation,DG)的广泛开展,其对ATC的影响不容忽视。为此,首先基于ATC的定义,阐述了DG对ATC的影响机理;提出了考量DG对ATC影响的分析方法,利用交流潮流法建立了DG输出功率对线路潮流和节点电压影响的数学模型。采用MAT-LAB6.5编写相关的计算程序,通过6节点和30节点测试系统的算例分析,证明了分析方法和数学模型能够有效考量DG对ATC产生的影响。且方法可应用于含有DG设备的配电网规划及电力市场的交易决策中。
提出一种同时考虑电压和暂态稳定约束计算可用输电能力(available transfer capability,ATC)的新方法。首先以ATC为目标,通过最优潮流法求得在最优点(负载能力最大点)的发电机出力;然后以追求系统暂态稳定裕度最大为目的,优化系统中各发电机的出力,并以此确定连续潮流最优的发电机出力增长方向;最后用连续潮流法追踪系统从初始运行点到电压崩溃点的负荷变化过程,从而使求得的ATC既考虑了系统的电压稳定性,又使系统具备足够的暂态稳定性裕度。以新英格兰典型测试系统为例进行了仿真计算,验证了所提出算法的有效性。
A new mothod was presented to find the optimal location and parameter setting of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) to maxmize the transfer capability.Firstly the sensitivity of the transfer capability with respect was described to the line's reactance was described to find the more sensitive lines for installing TCSC,however,the line which has the most sesitivity value is always not the best line for installing TCSC.For solving this problem,the more sensitive m lines were selected as the alternative line group of installing TCSC,and then modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) was used to find out the optimal location and the optimal parameter settings of TCSC.Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm can results premature convergence.For solving this problem,population entropy and cellular automata were introduced to it.Simulation results of IEEE 30-bus system proved the effectiveness of the method and its application values.