[1]The 15-month climatology of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) during a solar minimum...
Feng Ding,Weixing Wan,Guirong Xu,Tao Yu,Guanglin Yang, and Jing-song Wang 1 Beijing National Observatory of Space Environment,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China. 2 Institute of Heavy Rain,China Meteorological Administration, Wuhan,China. 3National Center for Space Weather,China Meteorological Administration,Beijing,China.
Using an international reference ionosphere(IRI)model as a background ionosphere and applying the Kalman filter to update the state with observations,we develop an ionosphere data assimilation analysis system(IDAAS)to reconstruct a three-dimensional(3D)ionosphere with the GPS slant TEC and ionosonde data over east-south Asia.The preliminary results with the GPS data collected over east-south Asia on 30 June 2005 showed that inversed slant TEC has very good correlation with the observations both for the GPS sites being and not being involved in reconstruction.The inversed NmF2 and vertical TEC both demonstrate great improvement of agreement with those observed from ionosondes and TOPEX satellite independently.
A theoretical model of ionospheric electric fields at mid-and low-latitudes is developed.In the geomagnetic dipolar coordinate system,the ionospheric dynamo equations were solved,and the ionospheric electric potential and electric field were derived respectively.Major parameters for the model inputs,such as the neutral winds,the densities and temperatures of electron,ions and neutrals,are obtained from empirical models.The global ionospheric electrical potential and field at mid-and low-latitudes derived from our model are largely in agreement with the results presented by other authors and the empirical model.Using our model,it is found that the diurnal component of the HWM93 wind mainly contributed to the formation of the vertical electric field,while the semidiurnal component mainly contributed to the zonal electric field.Finally,by adjustment of the input F region winds and conductivities,most discrepancies between our model and the empirical one can be eliminated,and it is proved that the F region dynamo is the most significant contribution to the electric fields.