Let Γd2nbe the set of trees with a given diameter d having a perfect matching,where 2n is the number of vertex.For a tree T in Γd2n,let Pd+1be a diameter of T and q = d m,where m is the number of the edges of perfect matching inPd+1.It can be found that the trees with minimal energy in Γd2nfor four cases q = d 2,d 3,d 4,[d2],and two remarks aregiven about the trees with minimal energy in Γd2nfor2d 33q d 5 and [d2] + 1 q2d 33 1.
A clique-transversal set D of a graph G is a set of vertices of G such that D meets all cliques of G.The clique-transversal number,denoted by τC(G),is the minimum cardinality of a clique-transversal set in G.In this paper,we first present a lower bound on τC(G) and characterize the extremal graphs achieving the lower bound for a connected(claw,K4)-free 4-regular graph G.Furthermore,we show that for any 2-connected(claw,K4)-free 4-regular graph G of order n,its clique-transversal number equals to [n/3].
In this paper we consider an online scheduling of parallel jobs with preemption on identical machines, where jobs arrive over time. The objective is to minimize the makespan. For the problem that jobs have only two possible widths mj = 1 or m, we present an optimal online algorithm by using "temporary schedule".