随着数字人文领域的蓬勃发展,其独特的研究视角和方法论为翻译过程研究注入了新的活力。在这一背景下,有声思维法、眼动追踪技术和语料库技术等数字人文研究方法开始被广泛应用于翻译过程研究,极大地丰富了该领域的研究课题和方法体系。该类研究方法的应用不仅为翻译过程研究提供了更为直观、精细的数据收集和分析手段,而且有助于揭示翻译过程中的认知行为机制。不过,随着翻译过程研究的深入发展,学界对于所采用的数字人文研究方法也产生了争议。针对这些争议,本文旨在全面系统回顾和梳理当前应用于翻译过程研究中的数字人文研究方法,对其进行批判性评估,以期推动该领域的进一步完善和发展。With the rapid advancement of digital humanities, its unique research perspectives and methodologies have invigorated translation process research. In this context, research methods in digital humanities such as think-aloud protocols, eye-tracking technology, and corpus analysis have become increasingly prevalent in translation process research, significantly broadening its scope of research topics and methodological frameworks. The application of the abovementioned methods provides more direct and efficient tools for data collection and analysis, thereby elucidating cognitive mechanisms of translation processes. However, as the depth of research into translation processes expands, the academic community faces controversies regarding the applicability and validity of data derived from digital humanities methods. Addressing these issues, this article aims to comprehensively review and critically evaluate current digital humanities methodologies in translation process research. Ultimately, this study seeks to contribute to the further development of the field.