文章探讨了在课程思政视域下,如何对《生物材料制备工艺原理》课程进行教学创新与实践。文章首先分析了该课程在思政教学中存在的难点,如教学目标模糊、思政资源匮乏、内容浅显、信息技术应用不足等。针对这些难点,课程团队进行了教学改革,包括明确课程思政教学目标,丰富思政资源并拓展教学案例,深化思政内容并拓宽知识视野,应用信息技术创新教学方法,以及构建形成性评价体系。通过这些改革措施,课程思政教学实现了更加全面、深入的发展,为培养具有社会责任感和科学精神的智能医疗人才奠定了坚实基础。This article explores how to innovate and practice the teaching of the course “Principles of Biomaterials Preparation Technology” from the perspective of ideological and political education in the curriculum. The article first analyzes the difficulties that exist in the ideological and political teaching of this course, such as vague teaching objectives, lack of ideological and political resources, shallow content, and insufficient application of information technology. In response to these difficulties, the course team has carried out teaching reforms, including clarifying the ideological and political teaching objectives of the course, enriching ideological and political resources and expanding teaching cases, deepening ideological and political content and broadening knowledge horizons, applying information technology to innovate teaching methods, and constructing a formative evaluation system. Through these reform measures, ideological and political education in the curriculum has achieved more comprehensive and in-depth development, laying a solid foundation for cultivating intelligent medical talents with a sense of social responsibility and scientific spirit.