第二次世界大战以来,第三次科技革命的推动下,科学技术的发展、生产力的提高推动西方资本主义社会经济发展迅猛,西方社会由工业社会迈向后工业社会,影响并改变着当时的生活方式,消费社会在资本主义社会兴起。鲍德里亚正是基于时代的转变,开启对消费社会的反思与批判之路。他在继承发展前人思想理论的基础上,以全新的视角引入符号学分析阐述了消费异化思想,深化了对资本主义社会的批判。但是,鲍德里亚消费思想也具有其自身的局限性,批判停留在消费异化的表象层面,提出的扬弃消费异化的解决方案也没能深入到资本主义社会现实,具有乌托邦色彩。Since the Second World War, driven by the Third Scientific and Technological Revolution, the development of science and technology and the improvement of productive forces have contributed to the rapid economic development of Western capitalist society, which is moving from an industrial society to a post-industrial society, affecting and changing the lifestyle at that time, and the rise of the consumer society in capitalist society. Baudrillard started his reflection and criticism of the consumer society precisely based on the change of the times. On the basis of the inheritance and development of his predecessors’ theories, he introduced semiotic analysis to elaborate the idea of consumption alienation from a new perspective and deepened his criticism of capitalist society. However, it also has its own limitations, as the critique stays at the superficial level of consumer alienation, and the solution proposed to abandon consumption alienation fails to penetrate into the reality of capitalist society, which is utopian.
埃德加·莫兰是法国当代哲学家、思想家与政治家,提出了著名的复杂性范式,人本政治学是莫兰复杂性范式在社会科学领域内的独特运用。莫兰认为人本政治的理论和实践的根基有四个,分别是马克思关于人的相关论述,弗洛伊德对人的本性的说明,再加上实现人本政治的手段——爱情和科学。在人本政治实施的时间和空间上,要注意当前的、中期的、长远的政治的三个时段的区别和连接,以及三个不同空间所要采取的发展路径,把解决好社会当前面临的基本问题和实现根本改造人类社会的革命任务联接起来。Edgar Morin is a philosopher, thinker, and politician of contemporary France, who has introduced the renowned paradigm of complexity. Anthropological politics represents a distinctive application of Morin’s complexity paradigm in the field of social sciences. Concerning theoretical and practical basis, Morin posits that the discourse on human beings by Marx, Freud’s explanation about human nature;and two means of realizing anthropological politics—love and science are also added in, which are together constituted the four bases of anthropological politics. As to the time when to carry out anthropological polities, man must pay attention to the distinction and connection of present polities, mid-term politics and long-term politics, as well as the developmental paths to be adopted in three distinct spatial contexts in order to link up the tasks which are solving the fundamental problems that are being confronted with by society and realizing the fundamental transformation of human society.