In the latest years,the polyester industrial fiber industry of the world has experienced a steady development,where a dramatic growth of production capability is realized.While West Europe,Japan and Korea are slowing down in their growth rate,the world′s production center of polyester industrial fiber is turning into the developing countries of Asia,especially into China,who is playing a great role boosting the world by its enormous development of polyester industrial fiber industry.At the same time,we have to notify that the short-range demand is unbalance due to the rapid increase of domestic manufacturing in the latest two years,though the potential of polyester fiber industry is enormous in China.This industry has experienced a major transformation in China in its demand-supply status,i.e.the current supply exceeds its demand of the market,consequently polyester enterprises have entered a mini-profit age.Currently the polyester industrial fiber industry of China is in a continuous self adjustment towards rational development.A benign trend of China′s polyester industrial fiber development will continueonly if the future development should be cautious.In the latest three years,the world′s nylon industrial fiber has slowed down its growth,yet it remains to be the bright points of the nylon industry.The nylon industry of China has reached a saturation point,but the proper proportion between Nylon 66 and Nylon 6 in the developing are still under an adjustment.Polyolefine fiber has slowed down its growth or even turned to minus growth in the world;however,the rapid development of China economy has brought about a great vitality to polypropylene industrial fiber in the whole polypropylene industry.