基于访谈和问卷调查的需求分析发现:用人单位看重的是“软技能”和“语言应用能力”;学生喜欢贴近生活的教学内容和“learning by doing(做中学)”的学习方式。基于此,《职程英语》将软技能的培养作为首要目标,着重培养沟通能力、协作能力、学习能力、问题解决和人际关系处理能力等核心职业技能;设计基于生活、有交际意义、有支架支持的互动式仿真任务作为主要教学手段,使学习者通过“用语言做事”的途径发展语言应用能力,解决生活中的现实问题;将生活中用得着英语的领域作为教学内容,包括学习方法、人际关系、出国旅游、跨境商务、就业准备五个主题;问卷调查显示《职程英语》的教学理念得到学生的认可。
Through questionnaire investigation, three major motivation types have been identified in less successful second year students (judged by the state exam CET4) in Hainan University: type A — integrative/intrinsic motivation (interest in culture and language), type B — job-related motivation (learning for better jobs), and type C — test-oriented motivation (learning to pass tests). Students with instrumental motivation (types B & C) far out-number those with integrative motivation (type A). Significant differences in test performance are found between type A and type C, and type B and type C. No significant difference is found between the test performance of type A students and that of type B students.