AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors grown on sapphire substrates with a 0.3μm gate length and 100μm gate width are fabricated. The device reveals a drain current saturation density of 0.85A/mm at a gate voltage of 0V and a peak transconductance of 225mS/mm. The unity current gain cutoff frequency and maximum frequency of oscillation are obtained as 45 and 100GHz,respectively. The output power density and gain are 1.8W/mm and 9.5dB at 4GHz,and 1.12W/mm and 11.5dB at 8GHz.
采用分层吸收渐变电荷倍增(SAGCM)结构,通过两次扩散、多层介质淀积、AuZn p 型欧姆接触、AuGeNi n 型欧姆接触等工艺,设计制造了正面入射平面 InP/InGaAs 雪崩光电二极管,器件利用 InGaAs做吸收层,InP 做增益层,光敏面直径50μm;测试结果表明器件有正常的光响应特性,击穿电压32~42 V,在低于击穿电压2 V 左右可以得到大约10 A/W 的光响应度,在0到小于击穿电压1 V 的偏压范围内,暗电流只有1 nA 左右;器件在2.7 GHz 以下有平坦的增益。