近二十年来,为适应时代变革的要求,一股公共行政改革的潮流席卷了西方发达国家,并正在向其他国家扩散。尽管各个国家公共行政改革的内容、方式和措施不完全相同,理论界也给这些改革冠以不同的名称,但比较公认的模式有三种,即重塑政府(Reinventing Government)、再造公共部门(Reengineering the Public Sector)、新公共管理(New Public Management)。其中,以新公共管理模式的影响最大。本文将对新公共管理的主要特征、社会背景、理论渊源及其存在的问题进行简要分析。
Some officials of government exert very bad influence because of enormous corruption such as embezzling and accepting bribes and so on. But why do those officials commit crimes again and again? What is the reason of the problems? And when will the division economy come to the end?