Since 1980's English has been established as the important objective in the field of English language teaching in the class,many teachers and experts have got considerable experience in the process of teaching. In English teaching,teachers pay attention to the proportion of students entering higher school and neglect students' affection. Krashen's theory of second language acquisition consists of five hypotheses; one of them is affective filter hypothesis,which contains three main factors-motivation self-confidence and anxiety. This research will analyze the influence of motivation self-confidence and anxiety and tent to find the better way to solve the influence of affective by the qualitative and quantitative perspectives. The result shows that affective filter hypothesis could have an influence on the students' achievements.
Some researchers have made a lot of research in discourse analysis and they have achieved many progeny such as stylistics, rhetoric syntax and semantics etc. The relationship between discourse and cognition is not so well known. The dissertation aims to find the influence of cognition to discourse. This research investigates some aspects around the discourse about the topic and the investigatees ' cognition for the purposes of finding the influences of cognition to discourse.