通过凝胶注模工艺,采用非水基凝胶体系,成功地制备铝铜坯体.通过扫描电镜观察脱脂前聚合物完全包裹粉末颗粒,脱脂后金属坯体中聚合物完全脱除.通过反应机理得出聚合物三维网络结构的化学式.采用热分析手段、热重和红外连用系统分析金属坯体的脱脂过程,根据Coats-Redfern方法对非等温热失重率曲线的数据进行动力学研究,建立动力学方程.在不同的升温速率下聚合物脱脂反应级数为1,活化能在79.86-108.63 k J·mol-1范围内,指前因子反应指数在106-107min-1,活化能的结果表明反应对温度和动力学比较敏感.脱脂主要分为两个阶段,在240-350℃主要是聚合物链段的分解,在350-470℃主要是聚合物网状结构的解聚和解交联反应,同时脱脂阶段主要产生CO2、CO、NO2和H2O挥发性气体.
The porous A1-Cu alloy was prepared by the gelcasting process. And the effects of gelcasting conditions, such as monomer, the volume ratio of cross-linker and monomer, dispersant and redox initiating system on the height, gelling time and the quality of green body were investigated. (It was found that the dispersant and monomer played significant roles in the height and quality of green bodies, respectively.) The optimal conditions were 10% monomer, 2% cross-linker, 0.2% initiator (volume fraction), and 1.2 g dispersant, in which the green body exhibited the best quality. The mechanisms of process conditions in eliminating the cracks and forming the pores of in the five stages were proposed. Mercury porosimetry provided a description of pore diameter ranging from 10 to 10000 nm and open porosity of 38.78 %.