在各树种不同配置方式试验研究的基础上,提出了大面积农田林网杨树与其它树种的多样性与稳定性混交型构架,建立了各种混交林带.试验得出杨榆、杨柳混交的"对称式行混"(U P P U和S P P S)形式较佳,结构较合理;运用"边行效应原理"营造的林带,通过不同株行距试验对比,内行距为3m的林带树木胸径生长分化程度弱于内行距为2 4m的林带,而内行距为2m的林带树木胸径生长分化较为严重.
Exactly measuring the degradation degree of ecosystems is the basis and precondition of restoring ecosystems. At present,degradation degree is usually analyzed qualitatively.In this paper,quantitative classification method was used to study the degradation degree of ecosystem in hilly region of western Liaoning,which was measured by the degradation degree of habitat.The result shows that the habitat in the northern slope of mountains has been degraded to certain stage between shrubbery and pioneer tree forest,which provides theoretical basis for vegetation restoration practice. Moreover,the result is beneficial for studying the degradation degree of ecosystems in other regions or of other types.