电力负荷预测对国民经济正常运行具有重要意义,特别是短期电力负荷预测的准确性对电力公司的调度、计划和经营更具有重要意义。下面,就短期电力负荷预测方法进行探析。1 方法探讨电力用电负荷一般都属于非平稳随机过程,就是说对一天中几个时点(t1,t2,……,tn)所对应的用电负荷(x1,x2……,xn)以及实数δ随机过程 x(t)的 n 维分布函数不满足式(1)。
With proliferation of electric appliances, residential electricity consumption, in particular the air conditioning load becomes more and more important and shares higher and higher percentage in total consumption in large cities like Shanghai. The paper reports in detail the survey on characteristics of residential electric consumption, in particular the air conditioning consumption. To optimize power system operation and expand power market, the paper concludes that power industry must learn to investigate, open up and adapt itself to power market economy.