By using the reanalysis data, the impact of oceanic eddies and frontal wave on Kuroshio front to the east of Taiwan (KFETW) is studied. The result indicates that cold eddies (warm eddies) corresponding to the first baroclinic mode of Rossby wave can weaken (strengthen) the strength of the KFETW and narrow (widen) the width of this front. A frontal wave of the KFETW during January to February in 1991 is detected from the reanalysis data. And the trough (crest) of the frontal wave may weaken (strengthen) the strength of the KFETW and narrow (widen) the width and thickness of this front. It is found through the diagnostic analysis of the energy source of the frontal wave that the contribution of barotropic instability or that of baroclinic instability is more than that of Ketvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability by 1 - 2 order of magnitude, and the contribution of the baroclinic instability is 5 times than that of the barotropic instability, thereby the frontal wave is basically driven by the baroclinic instability.