With the high prevalence and intensity of working among undergraduate students in almost all of the institutions in the United States,it is important for higher education researchers,faculty and college administrators to better understand the needs and challenges of working students in trying to achieve college success.This paper analyzes the negative and positive effects of employment on college students and shed a light on the increasing number of students who are involving in part-time job in China.
长期以来,我国学者对西方国家特别是欧美国家的西藏研究有较为全面的了解,然而对大洋洲地区的西藏研究现状关注不够。澳大利亚借助其离中国相对较近的区域优势,近年来在西藏研究方面表现出了强有力的发展态势。文章从文献计量学的角度,利用Web of Science,Open Access Theses and Dissertantion(OATD)及Scopus数据库的数据,对澳大利亚西藏研究的学科、机构分布特点、长期从事藏学研究的主要学者及其代表性作品进行梳理,并通过分析高校研究生涉藏学位论文选题,指出了近15年来澳大利亚藏学研究现状及未来发展趋势。