A novel bioinspired phospholipid copolymer was synthesized by the free radical polymerization of poly-2-methacryloyloxyethylphosphorylcholine(MPC), stearyl methacrylate(SMA), hydroxypropyl methacrylate(HPMA) and trimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate(TSMA). A stable cross-linked coating was obtained via dip-coating, followed by curing at 70 ℃ for 9 h. Contact angle results indicate the coating surface rearrange to get a more hydrophilic surface on the polymer/water interface. The membrane mimic phosphorylcholine coating surface can resist the platelet adhesion and prolong plasma recalcification time significantly. Rhodamine S was used as model drugs to prepare drug-containing coating under the same conditions. Drug-releasing curves fall into Fickian release mechanism and there exists an efficient releasing-amount of the drug until 60 h.
口腔数字化诊疗技术指借助数字化扫描、诊断、设计与制造、临床手术治疗等技术手段实现口腔疾病诊疗的一系列技术。口腔数字化诊疗技术融合了三维数据采集技术、数学建模技术、计算机辅助设计与增材制造技术(C A D/C A M和3D打印)、机器人技术、人工智能技术、手术导航技术及相关材料技术,展示了令人振奋的应用场景:患者数据能够更加容易而精确的获取、存储和共享,在医疗机构、技工室、加工中心、设备和材料及软件提供商、第三方服务机构等关联方之间实现非线性、安全可控的流动,使得从数据获取、三维重建、打印或切削加工、贴面和修整、临床治疗完成等全流程和包括美容、诊疗、预防等全产业链条更加微创、精确、高效和智能化。