The high temperature split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) compression experiment is conducted to obtain the data relationship among strain, strain rate and flow stress from room temperature to 550 C for aeronautical aluminum alloy 7050-T7451. Combined high-speed orthogonal cutting experiments with the cutting process simulations, the data relationship of high temperature, high strain rate and large strain in high-speed cutting is modified. The Johnson-Cook empirical model considering the effects of strain hardening, strain rate hardening and thermal softening is selected to describe the data relationship in high-speed cutting, and the material constants of flow stress constitutive model for aluminum alloy 7050-T7451 are determined. Finally, the constitutive model of aluminum alloy 7050-T7451 is established through experiment and simulation verification in high-speed cutting. The model is proved to be reasonable by matching the measured values of the cutting force with the estimated results from FEM simulations.