The first medical high intensity cyclotron CYCIAE-30 and its beam line for the isotope production were built in 1994 at China Institute of Atomic Energy.Now,an upgrading beam line system is designed based on the existing beam line of CYCIAE-30 to transport the beam extracted from the cyclotron to a gas target for the new isotope production,including elements location design,optics simulation and magnet design.The machining and installation of all the elements are accomplished based on the design.The beam tuning is finished and the transmission of 96.5% is obtained.
A test beam line for pulsed beam generation for 10 MeV central region model (CRM) of a compact cyclotron is under construction at China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE).A 70MHz continuous H^- beam with the energy of dosens of keV or a hundred keV will be pulsed to a pulse length of less than 10ns with the repetition rate of 1—8MHz.A 70.487MHz buncher will be used to compress the DC beam into the RF phase acceptance of±30°of the CRM cyclotron. The 2.2MHz sine waveform will be used for the chopper.A pulse with the repetition rate of 4.4MHz and pulse length less than 10ns is expected after CRM cyclotron.