This study adopted IKONOS remote sensing images and selected spectral characteristic areas, through regional pixel statistics and calculating weight coefficients of each band, processed the images with the spectral normalized method, which made the features of islands, land and water features more obviously in the images. On this basis, the OTUS was used to determine the optimal segmentation threshold, and the normalization image binarization was made, thus the island coastline was extracted. This method used the characteristic curve method to separate the land and water, obtained the binarization images and maintained the original edge effectively. The coastline that was extracted by Binary Morphology was continuous, reliable and high signal-to-noise ratio. The results showed that this method could extract the coastline fast, simply and effectively, which had the practical value.
This paper carries out quantitative analysis on the land use/cover (LU/C) change of 13anjin Binhai New Area in recent 10 years through using land use transition matrix from the three-stage LU/C classification maps of 2000, 2005 and 2010 drafted by means of the National Land Classification System of China based on Landsat TM satellite remote sensing image and the Tianjin Binhai New Area 1:50 000 relief maps. On this basis, the impact of such driving factors as the economy and population on LU/C is further analyzed. The results show that the area of the building land in Binhai New Area has increased significantly over the ten years, and the greenland, wetland, and shoals of high ecological value have been dramatically transformed into the building land and unused land for the development and construction, and the change is more significant in the later five years.