Tramp-tolerance characters of C299 of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and two hybrids ‘Tifdwarf’ and ‘Tifgreen’ of C. dactylon×C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy were evaluated under the light-tramp, medium-tramp and serious-tramp with a 75 kg tramper. The results indicated that tramp caused leaf blades of C299 narrower, color lighter and turf quality lower; but the turf height and internode length of C299 with different rolling intensity were not obviously different from that of ‘Tifgreen’. The turf quality of C299 under serious tramp is higher than that of ‘Tifgreen’ and ‘Tifdwarf’. C299 had stronger ability to recover in vertical direction than that of ‘Tifgreen’ and ‘Tifdwarf’ under the tramp. The results show that C299 has the high turf quality and tramp tolerance charater.
光合作用同化物分配供给是果实和种子发育的主要限制因子,增加蔗糖分配转运到果实和种子是增产优质的潜在策略。SWEET(sugar will eventually be exported transporter)是近年来被鉴定较多的一类糖转运蛋白,该蛋白质通过从源叶运输营养物质调控库组织发育,参与植物生长发育以及生物和非生物胁迫反应。SWEET蛋白定位于膜结构,属于MtN3家族,通常包含7个跨膜结构域,其中包含2个MtN3/saliva结构域。随着染色体加倍、片段复制和串联复制等,SWEET基因在物种中得到扩张。SWEET4和SWEET39基因是作物驯化改良过程中选择的关键基因;SWEET9蛋白是蜜腺特异性糖转运蛋白,参与植物蜜腺的进化;SWEET16和SWEET17蛋白参与植物根系生长发育;SWEET11和SWEET15蛋白参与植物种子胚乳填充。本文系统综述了SWEET蛋白的结构、数量、分类、亚细胞定位、成员扩张与进化,分析了SWEET蛋白在叶、茎、根系发育,花药发育,花蜜分泌,种子填充和果实发育等植物生长发育中的功能作用,强调了SWEET蛋白在作物改良中的应用,说明增强源库强度对作物产量提高的可持续性具有重要意义。