The photoionization efficiency curve (PIE) of C2H3Cl+ formation from C2H3Cl hasbeen measured in wavelength region 105.0- 130.0nm, by using synchrotron radiation single- photonionization and a quadrupole mass spectromemter as a detector. A series of peaks in region 106.0-117.0nm arise from Rydberg autoionization converging to A2A’ state of the vinyl chloride ion, theaverage quantum defects are δ(ns) = 1.87, δ(np) = 1.51,δ(nd) = 0.22 respectively. The Rydbergtransitions of π(2a") → 4d, π(2a") →5d, π(2a")→6s, π(2a") →7s have been assigned also.
The kinetic processes of the photoionization and dissociation of 4H-furan have been investigated by using synchrontron radiation. The IP of 4H-furan and APs of other lons are gotten from the spectra,the possible channels of dissociative photoionization have been annalyzed. A serices of stable clusters composed of (THF)n. (H2O)n-2H+ (n=2,3,4,5) are present in the MS and the possible structures of the clusters are given.