USB-OTG(USB-On The Go)技术是USB2.0规范的重要补充,它实现了在无PC机参与的情况下,两个便携式设备直接互连通信,使USB设备摆脱了对PC的依赖。文中主要介绍了USB-OTG技术的工作原理、芯片类型及CSC3800型USB-OTG功能的应用。为了提高便携设备之间的互联性,研究这样一种新技术是十分必要的,同时也具有较高的市场价值。
A force control strategy for position controlled robotic manipulators is presented. On line force feedback data are employed to estimate the local shape of the unknown constraint. The estimated vectors are used to generate the virtual reference trajectory for the target impedance model that is driven by the force error to produce command position. By following the command position trajectory the robotic manipulator can follow the unknown constraint surface while keeping an acceptable force error in a manner depicted by the target impedance model. Computer simulation on a 3 linked planar manipulator and experimental studies on an Adept 3, an SCARA type robotic manipulator, are conducted to verify the force tracking capability of the proposed control strategy.