For an n-variable logic function,the power dissipation and area of the REED-MULLER (RM) circuit corresponding to each polarity are different. Based on the propagation algorithm of signal probability,the decomposition algorithm of a multi-input XOR/AND gate,and the multiple segment algorithm of polarity conversion,this paper successfully applies the whole annealing genetic algorithm (WAGA) to find the best polarity of an RM circuit. Through testing eight large-scale circuits from the Microelectronics Center North Carolina (MCNC) Benchmark, the SYNOPSYS synthesis results show that the RM circuits corresponding to the best polarity found using the proposed algorithm attain average power,area,and max delay savings of 77.2% ,62.4% ,and 9.2% respectively,compared with those under polarity 0.
n变量的逻辑函数具有2n个固定极性,而每个极性对应不同的DFRM(Dual Forms of Reed-Muller)逻辑展开式,因此极性直接影响着DFRM电路的面积和功耗。通过对DFRM逻辑展开式和极性转换算法的研究,本文成功地将遗传算法应用于DFRM逻辑电路最佳极性的搜索。对10个较大规模的MCNC Benchmark电路测试表明,所提算法搜索到的最佳极性相对应的DFRM电路,与极性0时的DFRM电路相比,面积和功耗的平均节省分别达到了75.0%和65.2%。