AIM The purpose is to lay a theoretical foundation for the development of L Ψ ephedrine hydrochloride as a novel drug. METHODS L Ψ ephedrine and its hydrochloride were acquired by purifying and recrystallizing crude products prepared using enzyme engineering techniques. Their structural and chemical properties were analyzed by TLC, DSC, IR, UV, EIMS m/z , optical activity and elementary analysis.RESULTS The average yield and purity of refined L Ψ ephedrine were 65.0% and 99.96%, and those of L Ψ ephedrine hydrochloride were 83.3% and 99.8%, respectively. Instrumental analysis showed that all of their tested properties and structural were consistent with the theoretical data. CONCLUSION L Ψ ephedrine and its hydrochloride with high purity were obtained and their properties were confirmed.