农民工一直是我国城镇化进程和经济发展中的重要力量,女性农民工市民化进程对于推进新型城镇化具有重要的意义。通过代际视角的研究,区分了老一代和新生代女性农民工,深入分析她们在市民化过程中不同的融入轨迹,主要表现为拒绝性融入及多元性融入两类,并根据她们的融入轨迹提出“赋权–培育–融合–助力”的实践路径。Migrant workers have always been an important force in China’s urbanization process and economic development, and the citizenization process of female migrant workers is of great significance for promoting the new urbanization. Through the perspective of intergenerational research, the old generation and the new generation of female migrant workers are distinguished, and their different integration trajectory in the process of citizenization is deeply analyzed, which are mainly manifested as the two categories of refusal integration and pluralistic integration, and the practical path of “empowerment-cultivation-integration-and-assistance” is proposed according to their integration trajectory.