Objective To observe the effects on functional gastrointestinal motility disorder of postoperation of gastrointestinal tumor treated with electroacupuncture. Methods Twenty-nine cases of functional gastrointestinal motility disorder of postoperation of gastrointestinal tumor were randomized into electroacupuncture group (19 cases) and control group (10 cases). In electroacupuncture group, routine treatment after gastrointestinal operation and electroacupucture treatment were applied, Zusanli (足三里 ST 36), Shangjuxu (上巨虚 ST 37), Xiajuxu (下巨虚 ST 39) and Hegu (合谷 LI 4) were applied with electroacupuncture; in control group, the routine treatment after gastrointestinal operation was only applied. Anus exhaust, defecation, abdominal distension, stomachache, amount of gastrointestinal decompression drainage and changes of borborygmus were observed in two groups. Results Anus exhaust, defecation, abdominal distension, stomachache, amount of gastrointestinal decompression drainage and changes of borborygmus were relieved in two groups; and the effects of abdominal distension, anus exhaust, defecation, amount of gastrointestinal decompression drainage and borborygmus in electroacupuncture group were superior to those in control group (all P〈0.05). Conclusion For the functional gastrointestinal motility disorder of postoperation of gastrointestinal tumor, the theraputic effect of electroacupuncture combined with routine treatment after operation is better than the routine treatment after operation.