To reveal variation of organic matter content in red paddy soil, Through a 27 years-located fertilization experiment in red paddy soil, the content and composi- tion of organic matter in paddy soil were studied in this paper. The result showed that: the dynamics of soil organic matter of the different fertilization treatments showed significant differences, in the premise of equal nutrient (nitrogen and phos- phorus and potassium), combining application of organic-inorganic was benefited for the accumulation of organic matter in paddy soil than without fertilizer treatment or chemical fertilizer treatment; the dynamics of soil humic acid, HA and FA of chemi- cal fertilizer only and Combining application of organic-inorganic treatments had basi- cally the same trend, But the contents of humic acid, HA and FA of combining ap- plication of organic-inorganic treatments had been higher than that without fertilizer and chemical fertilizer treatment. Moreover combining application of organic-inorganic treatments was benefited for improving the contents of HA and FA, but decreasing HA/FA ratio as an extension of time. Combining application of organic-inorganic was benefited for improving the contents ol readily oxidizable organic matter. And the contents of soil organic matter in long-term experiment and the contents of readily oxidizable O.M were highly significant positive correlation and the contents of soil total nitrogen, avail nitrogen and potassium were significant positive correlation; the contents of soil readily oxidizable O.M and the contents of soil total nitrogen, avail- able P and rice yield were significant positive correlation. Thereinto, the correlation (r=0.818 1 ) between the rice yield and soil readily oxidizable O.M was higher than the correlation (r=0.802 0) between the rice yield and soil organic matter. It showed the soil readily oxidized organic matter had greater contribution to the rice yield.