By using the reported data of lightning disaster and the data of lightning monitoring network in Shandong Province since its establishment,the lightning activities and the disaster climate characteristics in Shandong Province were analyzed.The data were processed by lattice formulation,and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of positive and negative CG flashes were given.The parameter characteristics of positive and negative ground lightning and its relationship with the lightning disasters were analyzed.And the lightning parameter characteristics of lightning in major cities of Shandong Province were analyzed.
利用常规天气资料、常规探空资料对山东地区2003-2012年共11次极端强降水过程的环境参数特征进行了分析,结果表明:500 h Pa以下含有丰富的水汽,地面、850 h Pa、700 h Pa和500 h Pa露点温度分别达到23、17、8和-7℃以上,温度露点差基本上在3℃以内;大气处于不稳定状态,K指数≥37℃,总指数TT≥41℃,抬升指数LI〈0℃;大气具有一定的能量积累,CAPE≥500 J/kg;0℃层高度都在5000 m以上;反射率因子高值区基本上处于6 km以下;低层有明显的西南急流。