龙博士7号是以自选系JS102为母本、自选系KZ-310为父本组配杂交而成的玉米优良杂交种;2012—2014年参加甘肃省中晚熟高密B组玉米区试,3 a 15点(次)产量为15325.5~16528.5 kg/hm^(2),平均15992.5 kg/hm^(2),增产幅度为3.1%~7.8%。该品种具有耐密性、丰产性,适应性、抗病抗逆能力强,耐病虫害等特点,适宜在甘肃省及西北同类春播玉米区广泛种植。
[Objective] The paper was to study the effect of potato extract on its phenolic metabolism,SAGs accumulation and allelopathic autotoxicity.[Method] With water treatment as control,the effects of aqueous extracts of potato bud,leaf-stem and tuber on its morphological characteristics,phenolic metabolism,glycoside alkaloids accumulation and allelopathic autotoxicity were studied.[Result] After the treatment of aqueous extract,the germination rate of potato reduced,germination was delayed,the plants became smaller,and the growth of root slowed down;the content of phenolic substances in roots,stems and leaves of potato increased,glycoside alkaloids accumulated,the activity of PPO and PAL increased.The effects of aqueous extract treatment on germination,growth,phenolic metabolism,glycoside alkaloid content and allelopathic autotoxicity successively were bud extractleaf-stem extracttuber extractcontrol.Treatment of aqueous extract did not affect the distribution of phenolic substances and glycosidic alkaloid in potato.[Conclusion] Phenolic substances and glycosidic alkaloid involved in the allelopathic autotoxicity of aqueous extract of potato,which had inhibition effect on germination and growth of potato.