Junctions are an important structure that allows charge separation in solar cells and photocatalysts. Here, we studied the charge transfer at an anatase/rutile TiO2 phase junction using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. Visible (-S00 nm) and near-infrared (NIR, -830 nm) emissions were monitored to give insight into the photoinduced charges of anatase and rutile in the junction, respectively, New fast photoluminescence decay components appeared in the visible emission of futile-phase dominated TiO2 and in the NIR emission of many mixed phase TiO2samples. The fast decays confirmed that the charge separation occurred at the phase junction. The visible emission intensity from the mixed phase TiO2 increased, revealing that charge transfer from rutile to anatase was the main pathway. The charge separation slowed the microsecond time scale photolumines- cence decay rate for charge carriers in both anatase and rutile. However, the millisecond decay of the charge carriers in anatase TiO2 was accelerated, while there was almost no change in the charge carrier dynamics of rutile TiO2. Thus, charge separation at the anatase/rutile phase junction caused an increase in the charge carrier concentration on a microsecond time scale, because of slower electron-hole recombination. The enhanced photocatalytic activity previously observed at ana- tase/rutile phase junctions is likely caused by the improved charge carrier dynamics we report here. These findings may contribute to the development of improved photocatalytic materials.
Although ferroelectrics have potential applications in photocatalysis due to their highly efficient charge separation, their mechanism of charge separation is still unknown. A ferroelectric Sr0.7Ba0.3Nb2O6 (SBN‐70) semiconductor with a low ferro‐paraelectric phase transition (65℃) was studied. The photocatalytic activity for H2 production by ferroelectric and paraelectric SBN‐70 was examined. The spontaneous polarization in the ferroelectric phase strongly affected the photocata‐lytic performance and parallel ferroelectric domains significantly promoted photogenerated charge separation to result in better photocatalytic H2 production. This knowledge provides an important basis for the fabrication of ferroelectric photocatalysts with improved charge separation ability.