It is vital in the sales of goods to judge the moment of passing the property in goods from seller to buyer. The passing of the property in goods depends on two important principles: the identical intentions of the parties expressed or implied in the contract or manifested in their performance and the action of public showing of the passing of the property in goods. Subject to these principles, theproperty in goods will be passed at the moment provided in the contract if the parties so contracted. But where the contract keepssilent, such matters should be considered in order to establish themoment of passing the property in goods. Because of the variety oflegal action in practice, this paper only gives a guide-line on thepassing of the property in gdris.
Through analyzing the role of the classification society and itsfunction in ship survey, this thesis, starting with the establishmentof insurance system and 1iability fund system to improve the classifi-cation society’s ability to bear legal liability, makes a detailed studyof the classification society’s civil liability for the casualty caused byits fault, and therefore proves the necessity and feasibility to estab-lish the legal liability system, and goes further into the principles ofcompensation for damage by its fault and the limitation of liabilityfor damage claims, which is expected to contribute a little to the relevant legislation.