近年来SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型在国内外得到了广泛的应用,但应用研究主要集中在湿润地区,通过对探索了在中国西北干旱半干旱地区使用SWAT模型的可能性,对SWAT模型在陇西黄土高原地区的适用性进行了评价,得出:降水特征的特殊性,使得SWAT模型并不能很好地适用于该地区所有年份的径流模拟过程中,但对于降水特征变化幅度较小的时段,SWAT模型具有较高的径流模拟精度,可以应用于与流域径流相关的各种模拟分析。
生态环境问题受到了日益广泛的关注,生态恢复也在各地蓬勃开展,但生态恢复工程的开展迫切需要相关理论研究的指导。采用假定生态恢复情景的方法,在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,利用分布式水文模型SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)对陇西黄土高原的典型流域——华家岭南河流域进行了多种生态恢复情景模型的设计,并模拟了不同生态恢复情景下径流和蒸散发的响应情况。得出:在南河流域草地比森林植被涵养水源的作用更强,模拟年均径流深比林地低9.1%,而蒸散发却高2.2%,所以南河流域生态恢复过程中种草是十分必要的。结果同时表明,应用SWAT模型进行流域尺度的生态恢复水文响应研究是可行高效的。
The purpose of this study was to find out the spatial-temporal rules and driving force of cultivated land quality in Henan Province in the last ten years. Agricultural land grading factor evaluation was used to evaluate the cultivated land quality of 2002 and 2012 in Henan Province, and to research the change laws. Method of correlation coefficient was employed to select the driving forces affecting cultivated land quality evolution. The results indicated that the cultivated land quality in Henan Province increased slightly in the last ten years in general, and in spatial there were unchanged regions, increased regions and decreased regions. The cultivated land quality in spatial presented the trend of good becoming better, bad becoming worse, which should be highly valued in cultivated land quality protection and management. Land development and consolidation projects had significant contributions to increasing the cultivated land quality. Driving forces between the sudden change regions and gradual change regions were significantly different. The paper concluded that the research on the spatial-temporal evolution and driving force of cultivated land quality based on cultivated land quality evolution had important academic significance and practical value.