We studied mating behavior of 2 pairs of South China tigers (Panthera tigris amoyensis) using focal sampling and all occurrences sampling in the Shanghai Zoological Park, November 2004-March 2005. Mating behaviors occurred mostly during 9:00-11:00 and 13:00-17:00, with a peak at 13:00-15:00. The female displayed solicitating behavior before mating, and if successful in soliciting a male, groveled on the ground while awaiting being mounted. The mating period was 5-6 days and mating bouts averaged 25.6±12.1 seconds. We found are a highly significant difference in mating duration between the 2 males (one-way ANOVA). We also documented some abnormal mating behaviors of the males, such as lack of sexual impulse, incapable of mounting, and excessive vigilance.