The conventional measurement of a relative permeability curve (RPC) is usually conducted at room temperature, which is much lower than the reservoir temperature. Previous research work on high temperature relative permeability mainly take oil-wetted cores as objective. In this paper, laboratory test and measurement are conducted using water-wet cores from the Lunnan Oilfield. Since irreducible water saturation (Swi) is a critical factor that affects and controls the relative permeability curve, special tests are conducted to measure Swi at different temperatures for water-wet cores in the course of the experiment of relative permeability. The experimental results indicate that for the water-wet cores Swi decreased with the increasing temperature from ambient to 105℃,and the relative permeability curve shifted in a low water saturation direction, i.e. moved toward the left, while it moved toward the right for oil wetness reservoirs. Seen from both macroscopic and microcosmic view, the reasons and mechanisms of relative permeability change with temperature are discussed, and factors including core wetness, viscosity force, capillary forces, contact angle, interfacial tension change are considered.