Now the exercise test is not simply a method to determine the likelihood of CAD,but to estimate prognosis,instruct therapy even more.It is used for assessing the functional severity of CAD and the prognosis or potential risk for future cardiac events,determining exercise prescription and effects of therapy for rehabilitative cardiology.In order to meet the needs of reference for cardiovascular rehabilitation medicine,formulate this interpretive criteria in accordance with progress recently in grated exercise test. Results 1 Positive It is positive,if one of following parameters arises during exercise testing 1 1 Typical angina pectoris during exercise 1 2 ECG change 1 2 1 Ischemic ST(horizontal or downsloping ST) segment depression≥0 1mV at 0 08 second after the junction,appearing in QRS with dominated R wave,in duration of 2 minutes or more 1 2 2 Exercise induced ST segment elevation 0 1 mV other than aVR lead 1 2 3 Exerciat induced U wave inversion 1 3 Abnormal blood pressure response 1 3 1 Sustained decrease of systilic BP≥20 mmHg during progressive exercise 1 3 2 Peak systolic BP<130 mmHg,or increase <20(women),<30(men) mmHg than rest during progressive exercise 1 3 3 Systolic BP at 3 minutes after exercise divided by peak systolic BP during exercise≥80% 1 3 4 Diastolic BP rises >15 mmHg during exercise 2 Equivocal The exercise testing response is equivocal positive if one of the following parameters arises during exercise testing 2 1 Is chemic ST segment depression 0.05~0.09 mV 2 2 Ischemic ST segment depression duration <2 minutes 2 3 Exercise induced serious ventricular arrhythmia,such as multifocal premature contraction,paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia,ventricular tachycardia,2~3 degree atrioventricular block etc. 3 Parameters associated with poor prognosis and /or increased severity of CAD Patients who have an established diagnosis of CAD following parameters indicate poor porgnosis and/or increased severity of CAD 3 1 Ischemic ST ecgment depression≥0 2 mV,the downsloping ST depression