采用气相传输平衡(VTE)技术,在(0001)面白宝石衬底表面上成功地制备出单相-γL iA lO2层。研究了白宝石衬底表面形貌对-γL iA lO2层质量的影响,发现白宝石衬底的表面粗糙度和退火处理是两个影响-γL iA lO2层质量的重要因素。要制备高质量的-γL iA lO2层,适度的表面粗糙度是恰当的。对白宝石衬底进行退火处理,-γL iA lO2层的择优取向变差。并对其中可能的机理进行了探讨。
A crystalline sapphire (Al2O3) boule (Ф10 × 80mm^3) grown by the temperature gradient technique (TGT) is a bit colored due to carbon volatilization from the graphite heater at high temperatures and the absorption of transitional metal inclusions in the raw material. The sapphire becomes colorless and transparent after decolorization and decarbonization in successive annealings in air and hydrogen at high temperatures. The quality, optical transmissivity,and homogeneity of the sapphire are remarkably improved.