The complexity and applicability of three relative car-following models are investigated and they are the optimal velocity model (OVM),the generalized force model (GFM) and the full velocity difference model (FVDM).The vehicle trajectory data used is collected from the digital pictures obtained at a 30-storey building near Ⅰ-80 freeway.Three different calibrating methods are used to estimate the model parameters and to study the relationships between model complexity and applicability from overall,inter-driver and intra-driver analysis.Results of the three methods of the OVM,GFM and FVDM show that the complexity and applicability are not consistent and the complicated models are not always superior to the simple ones in modeling car-following.The findings of this study can provide useful information for car-following behavior modeling.
The impact of the adaptive cruise control( ACC)system on improving fuel efficiency is evaluated based on the vehicle-specific power. The intelligent driver model was first modified to simulate the ACC system and it was calibrated by using empirical traffic data. Then, a five-step procedure based on the vehicle-specific power was introduced to calculate fuel efficiency. Five scenarios with different ACC ratios were tested in simulation experiments, and sensitivity analyses of two key ACC factors affecting the perception-reaction time and time headway were also conducted. The simulation results indicate that all the scenarios with ACC vehicles have positive impacts on reducing fuel consumption. Furthermore, from the perspective of fuel efficiency, the extremely small value of the perception-reaction time of the ACC system is not necessary due to the fact that the value of 0.5 and 0.1 s can almost lead to the same reduction in fuel consumption. Finally, the designed time headway of the ACC system is also proposed to be large enough for fuel efficiency, although its small value can increase capacity. The findings of this study provide useful information for connected vehicles and autonomous vehicle manufacturers to improve fuel efficiency on roadways.