甲状腺结节是一种常见的以颈部甲状腺肿大为主要特征的疾病,临床发现其与情绪的关系密切,随着现代社会生活压力的增加,甲状腺结节的发病率也逐年提升,影响人们的生活质量,因此应尽早防治。目前西医治疗甲状腺结节主要是定期随访观察、射频消融、手术和甲状腺激素类药物为主,不良反应较多。祖国医学对甲状腺结节认识广泛,认为其属中医瘿病范围,气滞、痰凝、血瘀是甲状腺结节的重要病机,治疗时运用疏肝理气,活血化瘀,化痰散结法,予以患者中药汤剂、针刺、外敷等治疗,在临床上具有改善甲状腺功能,缩小甲状腺结节体积,改善临床症状的作用。Thyroid nodule is a common disease mainly characterized by neck goiter, which is clinically found to be closely related to emotions. With the increase of life pressure in modern society, the incidence of thyroid nodule is also increasing year by year, affecting people’s quality of life, so it should be prevented and treated as soon as possible. At present, Western medicine treats thyroid nodules mainly by regular follow-up observation, radiofrequency ablation, surgery and thyroid hormone drugs, and there are more adverse reactions. The Chinese medicine has a wide understanding of thyroid nodule, which belongs to the scope of gall disease of Chinese medicine. Qi stagnation, spittoon and blood stasis are the important pathogenesis of thyroid nodule. In the treatment, the method of soothing liver and regulating qi, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, resolving phlegm and dispersing knot are used to treat patients with traditional Chinese medicine decoction, acupuncture and external application, which has the effect of improving thyroid function, reducing the volume of thyroid nodule and improving clinical symptoms.
甲状腺功能亢进症(Hyperthyroidism)是由于甲状腺腺体功能异常增强释放大量的甲状腺素而致机体代谢增强的一种甲状腺疾病,归属于中医“瘿病”的范畴。本病的治疗,立足于中医的整体观念,将药物和人的体质综合考虑,多从“阴虚”论治本病,以滋阴为治疗原则,辅予泻火、潜阳、息风等治疗本病,可有效地改善症状,提高临床疗效,缩短治疗过程。查阅中国知网(CNKI数据库)近五年相关文献,着眼于阴虚理论,论述甲亢的病因病机、治疗原则及中医药治疗本病的研究进展,以期为中医治疗甲亢提供新的思路。Hyperthyroidism is a kind of thyroid disease due to the abnormal function of the thyroid gland and the release of a large amount of thyroxine, which leads to the enhancement of body metabolism, belonging to the category of “gall disease” in Chinese medicine. The treatment of the disease, based on the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine, the comprehensive consideration of drugs and people’s physique, more from the “Yin deficiency” of the treatment of the disease, to nourish the Yin as the principle of treatment, auxiliary fire, Yang, wind and other treatment of the disease, can effectively improve symptoms, improve clinical efficacy, shorten the treatment process. Refer to the relevant literature of China National Knowledge Network (CNKI database) in the past five years, focusing on the theory of Yin deficiency, this paper discusses the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment principle and research progress of the treatment of hyperthyroidism with traditional Chinese medicine, in order to provide new ideas for Chinese medicine treatment of hyperthyroidism.
甲状腺结节指由各种原因导致的甲状腺内一个或多个组织结构异常的团块,多在触诊或超声检查中发现。目前治疗主要包括中医和西医治疗,中医治疗包括中药、中成药、针灸、穴位贴敷等,从调节人体的气血阴阳出发,辨证论治地进行治疗,根本上改善身体的内环境。西医治疗主要包括小剂量左甲状腺激素治疗、碘131放射性核素治疗、消融治疗、低位小切口治疗等,具有标准化的治疗方案,同时治疗方法多样、疗效迅速,效果通常较显著。现对研究概况作以总结。Thyroid nodule refers to the mass of one or more abnormal tissues in the thyroid gland caused by various causes, mostly found in palpation or ultrasound examination. At present, treatment mainly includes traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, Chinese medicine treatment includes traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent medicine, acupuncture, acupoint application, etc. Starting from the regulation of qi, blood, Yin and Yang of the human body, the treatment of syndrome differentiation, fundamentally improves the internal environment of the body. Western medicine treatment mainly includes small dose left thyroid hormone therapy, iodine 131 radionuclide therapy, ablation treatment, low small incision treatment, etc. With standardized treatment plan, at the same time, the treatment methods are diverse, the effect is rapid, and the effect is usually significant. The overview of the study is summarized.