In this study, the effects of hot water temperature on clarity, total soluble solids, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and color of banana juice during hot water ex-traction were discussed based on the theory in which heat treatment might induce the pectin and protein in banana pulp to form insoluble products. The results showed the hot water temperature had a significant effect on the formation of insol-uble polymers in banana pulp from pectin and protein. In 75 ℃ water, the pectin and protein in banana pulp were most inclined to form insoluble products. Under this condition, the clarity of banana juice was also highest. The light transmittance at 660 nm was close to 90%. In the banana juice, extracted by 75 ℃ water, the pectin and protein contents were lowest, and they were lower than 7.3 mg/100 ml and 12.9 mg/100 ml respectively. The 75 ℃ water could not inactivate completely the pectin in banana pulp due to its high heat resistance, Therefore, 0.05% L-cys-teine or ascorbic acid needed to be added into banana pulp to inhibit the browning of juice induced by residual PPO.