An improved near far field divided coupled method was established to investigate the electromagnetic properties of mildly overexpanded and underexpanded rocket exhaust plumes. Firstly, axisymmetric Navier Stokes equations incorporated with k ε two equation turbulence models were solved using time dependent approach to calculate the pressure of the near filed. Secondly, parabolized axisymmetric Navier Stokes equations incorporated with finite rate chemical kinetics models were marching on the detailed pressure map of the near field. The termination of the near field would yield the initial line for the far field. In addition, in the far field, the spatial marching method was directly used under the constant pressure condition, but considering more complicated chemically reacting process. Finally, the electromagnetic parameters of the whole plume were calculated with the electron conductive model. The calculated results of the overexpanded and underexpanded rocket exhaust plume were discussed. The predicted microwave attenuation accorded with the experimental results. This improved method is feasible for calculating the microwave attenuation characteristics of mildly non fully expanded rocket exhaust plumes.