Mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes sequences were sequenced using dye-labeled terminator on an ABI 377 automated sequencer in 11 individuals and 1 species' sequences were gained from GenBank,representing 6 genera of family Tetrigidae.The collated sequences were aligned using Clustal X version 1.81 and then,the sequence variability and heredity distances based on Kimura 2-parameter model were calculated using Mega 2.1.In obtained sequences (736 bp),the average A+T content is 73.9%,ranging from 71.2% to 77.5%;the overall G+C content is 26.1%,ranging from 22.5% to 28.8%.Based on alignment of the combined sequences,185 parsimony-informative sites were revealed in 755 available base pairs.Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using NJ,MP and ML methods with Cylindraustralia kochii as outgroup.The results indicated that the monophyletic nature of Tetrix is questioned and suggest that T.tubercarina may be given tribal rank.Our results also show that Coptltettix huanjiangensis and C.gongshanensis are the same species,i.e.Coptltettix gongshanensis Zheng,and C.huanjiangensis is the synonyms of C.gongshanensis.