The paper takes a new campus project site of Shanxi university town for example, tests the influence of dynamic com- paction vibration and vibration isolation effect of isolation trench on this ground, and compares the influences of the dynamic compaction vibration on surrounding buildings with isolation trench and without it. Furthermore, the attenuation law of dy- namic compaction vibration in fill foundation of the loess area under different tamping energy and how to determine safe distance of dynamic compaction construction are studied. And then the quantitative relationship between acceleration and vibration source in new campus project site is presented. We derive the evaluation method that dynamic compaction construction affects adjacent buildings by contrasting with the existing standards and norms. The monitoring results show that isolation trench makes the amplitude attenuation of the horizontal velocity of dynamic compaction vibration reach above 75%, and the safe dis- tance be 30 m under the tamping energy of 6 000 kN · m. Therefore, isolation trench is better for vibration reduction under dynamic compaction construction.