The Fenglin city-site lies in a spot of low flood land on the northern bank ot the Qixing River, about 300m west to Fenglin village of Chengfu township in Youyi county, Heilongjiang province. It is the largest among the Han-Wei period city-sites known so far in the Three Rivers Plain. In 1998, the Heilongjiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology carried out excavation in the seventh city-area of the site, which resulted in the revelation of eight house-foundations, 23 ash-pits and nearly 300 objects. The main remains are of a relatively late date, i.e. later than the Tuanji and Guntuling cultures, and belong to the Wei-Jin period.
嫩江流域孕育的昂昂溪文化是新石器时代中国北方"渔猎文化"的代表文化。文章对昂昂溪文化的典型代表遗址——洪河遗址附近3 m的自然沉积物剖面进行植硅体分析、粒度分析和烧失量测定,探讨了新石器时代以来嫩江流域人类活动的环境背景及昂昂溪"渔猎文化"走向衰亡的原因。结果表明,洪河剖面植硅体主要来自于禾本科植物,并以早熟禾亚科(C3植物)为主,剖面沉积物主要由嫩江冲积砂经风力吹扬、搬运、堆积而成。嫩江流域文化的空间分布和时间演替,在受到人类活动影响的同时,也与自然环境有密切的关系。在7024~3820 cal. a B.P.期间,嫩江流域气候温暖湿润,适宜人类生存繁衍,孕育了典型的昂昂溪"渔猎文化";在4000 cal. a B.P.左右,气候呈现逐渐变冷干的趋势,同时昂昂溪文化也逐渐衰落;3820~1000 cal. a B.P.期间,气候持续冷干,导致部分居民离开昂昂溪地区沿嫩江逐渐向更加温暖的下游迁移以寻找更为适宜的栖息地,昂昂溪文化逐渐被取代;1000 cal. a B.P.以来,人类活动频繁,土地沙漠化日趋严重。